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Alison Murtagh – Roots & Wings Play & Creative Arts Therapy

  • A284, Arundel BN18, UK.

About Alison Murtagh – Roots & Wings Play & Creative Arts Therapy

As children and young people grow up, sometimes they have to face problems and difficulties. When going through hard times it is common for them to feel angry, scared, confused and upset.

Children and young people come to therapy for lots of reasons. They may have gone through difficult times with friendships, family or dealing with grief and loss. Maybe they have got into trouble and need to talk through their issues and express their feelings. Rather than having to explain what is troubling them, play and creative expression help to communicate at their own level and at their own pace, without feeling interrogated or threatened. This approach works really well with children and young people of all ages and abilities and helps them to makes sense of their lives and reach their own conclusions to find the best way forward.
Art materials, sand trays and other elements of play therapy can be blended with more traditional talking therapy to good effect with young people and adults. This approach is particularly helpful when simply talking about anxieties and traumatic events feels too difficult.

I also provide a structured play-based approach to working with children and adolescents with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders that is both therapist-led and parent-led.

I have recently undergone further training so I can bridge the gap which can arise between parent(s)/carer(s) and their child(ren). I am very excited to be able to offer a comprehensive and manageable parent-child attachment play (PCAP) support service to aid in the building of stronger relationships.

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