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  • 37 Manning Rd, Bourne PE10 9HW, UK.

About Rainbow-Counselling

Warmth and kindness are two things I think I offer my clients in addition to the core conditions of Person Centred Counselling, which is what I practise.

Put simply the core conditions are:

*Trying to understand things from your point of view and feeding that back to you (Empathy)

*Never judging you


I also offer you a safe, confidential space where you can talk freely about your issues. I don’t have any answers but I am willing to help you find your own answers which basically involve changing your behaviour or your situation or finding ways to accept them.

If you think your life could be happier/more satisfying, contact me and we can discuss whether or how I can help you.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Events by Shona