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Freedom Creative Arts Therapy

  • 42 Hollycroft, Hinckley LE10 0HG, UK.

About Freedom Creative Arts Therapy

I offer child & adolescent creative arts psychotherapy  at my own private practice in Barwell, Leicestershire. I use an Integrative creative approach to psychotherapy, drawing on theory and research into how the mind works from various schools of thought. This is a flexible way of practising and remains open to new creative ideas and evidence. This arts based approach can be adapted to suit the particular needs of each young person.

I also offer parent/adult support consultations to help those parents/adults that are in the role of caring for the young person referred and I believe a holistic family approach is helpful.

When a young person  is first referred I will meet with their parents to discuss the aim of therapy and what it is the young person would like to explore. I will then meet with the young person to give them an opportunity to meet me, visit the therapy room and discuss how they would like to work with me, for example which creative arts mediums they would like to use in their therapy. For children under the age of 10 I usually have a variety of play and creative arts materials for them to choose to use as they choose. Older children and adolescents often only want to use a few selected creative mediums and this first meeting is an opportunity to discuss which ones they feel comfortable using.

When I contact you after your initial enquiry the first telephone conversation is free of charge and then following meetings are charged at competitive rates.

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