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Feel Well Live Well Therapy

Feel Well Live Well Therapy

  • The Old Shoes, Warmlake Rd, Chart Sutton, Maidstone ME17 3RP, UK.

About Feel Well Live Well Therapy

Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations…

Have You…

Reached that point in your life when you feel you might benefit from someone listening to what’s going on for you right now? Someone that’s impartial, someone with no agenda and who is there for you. If so, therapy or life coaching may be the answer.

From time to time…

We all reach a point in our lives when we feel we can’t cope, the road ahead doesn’t look so clear, our problems seem overwhelming, we’ve lost our MOJO and no one seems to understand and people just don’t have the time to listen. Perhaps I can help? I’m Jules and I offer a confidential, professional, friendly, compassionate and supportive therapy service for individuals and couples.

Why is finding the right therapist for you is very important…

Research consistently shows that positive change is much more likely to happen when there is a good ‘match’ between there therapist and the client. My approach is friendly, warm and non-judgemental. My clients often tell me that I am easy to talk to and a good listener. Many of my clients come through personal recommendation.

Starting therapy can be a daunting prospect…

I recommend that following our initial telephone conversation, an assessment session is booked where we can sit together and discuss how therapy works, what your goals are, what has brought you to therapy at this time and you can ask any questions regarding therapy and how I work.

What I offer…

In my private practice I work with Individuals, Couples, Adults and young people (15 years upwards).
I have a choice of two offices for you to visit, both of which are dedicated therapy suites. I can offer weekday appointments, together with some evenings subject to availability. Wherever possible, I aim to offer an Initial Assessment appointment within one week.

One to one Therapy (Short or Long Term)
EMDR/Trauma Therapy
Couples Therapy
Life Coaching
Group Therapy
Psycho Educational Programmes – ‘Feel Well Live Well’

One to One Therapy and Life Coaching:

Daytime Sessions £45
Evening sessions (anytime after 6pm) £50

Other specialist services:
EMDR (Trauma Therapy) £50
Couples Therapy £50
Supervision – One to One (1.5 Hours per month) £50
Skype/Face Time £45
Workshops as advertised on website or price upon enquiry

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