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Courage Counselling

  • 204-206 Hull Rd, Hessle HU13 9NH, UK.

About Courage Counselling

Why the name Courage Counselling?
I chose the name Courage Counselling because I wanted to convey how courageous it is to be able to confront your feelings with honesty.  My aim is to help you to sit with these feelings, however overwhelming they may feel, and help you to work through them at a pace that feels safe for you.

How can I help?
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions it can be a frightening time. Whether it’s anxiety, depression, weight issues, anger, OCD, eating disorders….these can feel very overwhelming and can make us feel isolated and even perhaps ashamed of those feelings. I’ve learned through personal experience that the way to combat this is by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable – as the great Brené Brown says “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage”

So, I invite you to join me as we access your courage and explore your truth.  I can’t promise that it will be easy, but I can promise you that it will be worth the journey.

What kind of counselling do I provide?
I am trained as a person-centred counsellor.  This means that our sessions are led by you because you are the expert in how you feel and what is most pressing for you.  I will provide you with a safe space to explore your feelings without judgement. Practically, it’s just the two of us sitting opposite each other, building our therapeutic relationship.  I provide tissues (which you may or may not need) and water.

How many sessions do I need?
That’s entirely up to you.  You can come to your first session and decide that you’ve managed to come to a resolution about what was troubling you, or you may decide to embark on longer-term therapy, or something in between!  There is no obligation and we will agree between us how you would like to proceed, this agreement will then be regularly reviewed to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your investment of time and money.

How much does it cost?
Each session lasts for 1 hour and the cost is £40.  I accept cash, cheque or credit/debit card.

Events by CourageCounselling