Euston Therapy – Simon McKay
37 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LQ.
About Euston Therapy – Simon McKay
I offer counselling and psychotherapy in a private and confidential setting. It is a one-to-one collaborative process between the person seeking help and myself.
People have sought help from me when struggling with difficult emotional problems such as:
- feeling stressed or anxious
- coming to terms with losses such as bereavement, divorce or redundancy
- lacking confidence, self-esteem or a sense you are under achieving
- an inability to make or sustain good relationships
- repeatedly becoming involved in unsatisfactory or destructive relationships
- feeling depressed, sad or empty
- lacking a sense of purpose in life
- having unresolved issues from the past
- problems at work
- family conflicts
I provide a safe, calm and confidential environment, where you can identify, explore and work through what is troubling you.
Counselling might be more appropriate to help you through a difficulty that has arisen recently such as a bereavement or a relationship breakdown. Counselling would be once weekly, open ended. You might feel ready to leave after a few months.
Psychotherapy works with more complex and established difficulties that are often a result of childhood experiences. This approach is a good way to address more general feelings of sadness or feeling ‘something’s not quite right’. This work would also be once weekly and would be open ended and would allow you as much time as you want to take.
I have undertaken rigorous trainings in counselling and psychotherapy and offer both options within my practice.
I charge £70 for 50 minutes in-person and £60 for 50 minutes on-line.